Given today's short attention spans, could we be overlooking the opportunity to engage employees in faster, more efficient, and emotionally engaging ways?
Visual communication is the use of images, graphics, and videos to convey information and ideas in a more compelling and engaging way. Visuals are a powerful tool that can be used to engage and educate employees, improve comprehension of policies and procedures, and increase safety awareness.

Effective internal communication increases productivity and drives engagement.
Research shows considerable uplift to the bottom line when improving internal communication. Employees who feel included in organisational communication are five times more likely to report increased productivity (source).
There is a disconnect, however, between how leaders and employees see the effectiveness of organisational communication. A recent study showed that 78% of leaders said their communication is clear and engaging, yet just 51% of employees agreed (source).
Poor communication decreases productivity and impacts the bottom line. One-fifth of all employees’ time is wasted due to ineffective communication each week. This costs organisations an average of 7.47 hours per employee per week! (source).
Your workforce is hard-wired for visual communication
The human mind’s preference is for information that it can see visually. 70% of all sensory receptors dress the eyes, and 90% of the information transmitted to the brain is visual (source).
When visual information is portrayed in motion, through video, this enhances our emotional response (source). Visuals are anchors that secure the narrative of a message deep in a viewer’s memory. They then give that viewer an easy way to retrieve that message.
High quality, edited video is powerful in that it can capture the viewer's fragmented attention span (now averaging just 8 seconds!) much quicker than a live videoconference, email, or PDF document.
7 Benefits of visual communication for employers
Offer higher quality training: Employees prefer video training, and it provides measurable results.
Improve policy comprehension and recall: Visuals help employees understand complex policies and procedures more easily, reducing compliance risks and improving the employee performance.
Be more agile in communicating change: High-quality videos can help employees engage with change through a combination of formats.
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